
Blog Entries - youth mental health

A child hugs an adult while closing their eyes

Youth Mental Health Requires Increased Attention

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While mental health is an important issue for people of all ages, recent trends point to a youth mental health crisis across the United States. Specifically, rates of substance

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A group of people walk down a trail with backpacks on. The person in the center smiles at the camera.
Photo courtesy of Wild Diversity

Wild Diversity Builds LGBTQ+ Community Outdoors

June is Pride month. In a year already marked by anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and legislation, it feels especially important to celebrate the joy and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community. For NRF, this means focusing on

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A child holds up tomatoes to her eyes and smiles into the camera.

Joy is an Important Ingredient in Climate Action

It’s easy to get caught up in anxiety and stress about climate change. While this reaction is warranted given the severity of the climate crisis we are facing, it’s also important to find hope and joy amidst the

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a girl with braids pets a horse outside

Grantee Spotlight: Q&A with Black Outside

Black Outside, Inc. received a 2022 Outdoor Grant from NRF. Funding supports Black Outside’s Charles Roundtree Bloom Project. Based in San Antonio, the program aims to create a space of communal healing for youth

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A group of youth stand together with signs about climate change

Eco-Anxiety is on the Rise Among Youth

The truth of climate change is something many people are working to accept. But for some, the myriad global environmental crises we face feel all too real. While recognizing the reality of climate change is necessary, a

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two men hold hands and step into a river in the woods

The Role of LGBTQ+ Spaces in Outdoor Recreation

June is Pride month, a time to celebrate the full range of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences. Pride can mean parades, parties, and corporate visibility campaigns, but it’s also a good time to examine the ways we offer

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