
Blog Entries - greenspace

Kids in bright vests play together on a field
Photo courtesy of Beyond the Ball

New Impact Grants Support Newcomer Youth in Chicago

The Chicago area is now home to a significant number of newcomer families who have recently arrived in the United States. While it can be difficult to track exactly how many new arrivals have landed in Chicago, some

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A child shades their eyes while holding a water bottle

Extreme Heat Poses Risks to Youth Recreation

Spring is here, which means it’s the time of year when temperatures start rising and lots of people start spending more time outside. While there are many fun outdoor activities available year round, warmer weather

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A child works in a notebook while laying in gradd

Green Schoolyards are on the Rise

The green schoolyards movement is growing. A green schoolyard is an outdoor space that supports a school’s mission to help kids learn and grow through instruction, exploration, and play. There’s no one correct

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A child closely studies a plant with a magnifying glass

Plant Identification with Kids

Kids tend to be curious and ask questions about the world around them. Spending time outside in natural spaces is a great way to help youth hone that curiosity and gain the skills they need to ask good questions,

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A person stands with the back to the camera in a wooded area

Forest Therapy Shows Promise as a Well-Being Practice

Extensive scientific research now supports the idea that spending time in nature has positive impacts on our physical and mental health. Forest therapy builds on this idea to offer the healing benefits of nature in a

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teenage girl sits in grass surrounded by trees

Intertwined Outcomes: Connection to Nature, Mental Health, and Outdoor Activity

It’s no secret that the pandemic is having adverse effects on youth, especially adolescents. Youth benefit from stable routines, and the habits they develop as young people as part of those routines are likely to

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