
OPEN Space: The Official Blog and Podcast of the NRPA

May 14, 2018

One of the purposes of this blog is to share resources that lie within the purview of the National Recreation Foundation, with focuses on areas such as, outdoor recreation, physical activity, and health and wellness.

National Recreation and Park Association logo

The National Recreation Foundation (NRF) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) are long time partners and share roots in the same organization, the war camp community service, dating back nearly 100 years to 1919. Today the NRPA is the leading professional association in the area of parks and recreation. The Association has a variety of offerings including, standards and certifications, a plethora of resources for individuals in the park and recreation field, educational opportunities, an annual conference and workshops throughout the year across the country. The NRPA hosts several publication platforms, including a blog and podcast entitled OPEN Space.

Open space graphic

OPEN Space shares information pertinent to parks and recreation departments, organizations, and professionals in the field of recreation. Posts include: NRPA news and updates, information on the NRPA annual conference, trends and current events within the field, and in-depth information on topics such as accessibility, inclusion and social equity, and discussions on funding options and opportunities.

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