
Meet Melissa Muth Martinez, NRF's New Manager of Operations and Impact

June 13, 2024
A woman looks into the camera and smiles

NRF is thrilled to welcome Melissa Muth Martinez to our team as the new Manager of Operations and Impact. Melissa comes to us with a strong background in education, youth development, and college access. Melissa is drawn to the world of philanthropic foundations because of her commitment to social impact work, especially to enhancing the wellbeing of young people. Most recently she worked at the Schuler Foundation in the Schuler Scholar Program. Now, as Melissa transitions from educational access work into the world of outdoor recreation at NRF, she is excited to work with passionate people with many different perspectives who all care deeply about youth. Melissa is looking forward to opportunities to share, learn, and collaborate with NRF grantees, staff, trustees, advisors, and partners from across the country.

The Manager of Operations and Impact role will include ideation and strategy work and operational streamlining. Melissa has much to contribute in both of these areas. Her experience working in higher education and youth programming gives her on the ground experience that will be invaluable in thinking through big questions at NRF. Equally as important, Melissa’s organizational skills and fluency in operational work are huge assets that will support a smooth experience for NRF grantees and partners.

When she’s not working, Melissa loves spending time with her family, travelling, writing, and cooking. An avid explorer, Melissa loves finding outdoor spaces in new places. Most recently, however, her favorite outdoor spots have been closer to home. She loves visiting the local park with her husband and two small daughters or taking a family trip to swim in the nearby lake. On these excursions Melissa gets to see firsthand the many benefits of kids spending time outside. 

Welcome, Melissa!